We are Tracey and Chris, the hearts and hands behind Swell Farm. Well, we were crazy enough to start this farm - but it couldn’t have grown to what it is without endless love, support + help from a long list of folks. Friends, family, neighbors, employees, CSA members… You all have not only kept us afloat, but buoyed us so we can thrive. Thank you.

Howdy, I’m Tracey.

When I met Chris in 2016 he was just starting the farm, and throughout the course of that first season I fell deeply in love - in more ways than one. I had been searching for a new, passion filled career after leaving the hustle and bustle of kitchen life. My searching came up empty, because farming truly found me. Never did I ever expect to end up here.

Yet, here I am. Farming has gifted me the elements I was craving in my younger life. Rhythm based on season, weather, soil and plants. The excitement and fire of building something new, together. Being a drop in the bucket of this amazing community. And growing things, damn I love growing things. Sharing flowers has proven to be more fulfilling than I could have ever imagined. And that is the cornerstone of our business, sharing it all with you.


Heya, I’m Chris.

I came to farming after a career in wildland fire in the west. While enjoying the hard work and public service wildland fire offered, I wanted to become more connected to a community back in my home state of Maine. With a lot of help from my family and friends I made the leap and resigned from the Government to start a farm behind my house in Rockland. It was a very modest beginning but It felt like I was headed in the right direction. I met my lovey wife Tracey in 2016 and we started building the farm together. Not a day goes by that I'm not trying to keep up with her in the field. The farm continues to provide many lessons, successes and failures;  I'm humbled by the day to day operations of the farm and all it has to teach. 

To me, flowers are something special. They provide beauty in this chaotic world. No matter what someone may be going through in a given day, flowers stand to make it better. Together we are committed to providing a beautiful high quality product for our community, while making lasting connections with our customers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting our small family farm.  

Hi, its Gus!

Born December 2022, Gus has been the most wonderful addition to our lives. He is a joyful, silly, determined, kind, warm little soul, and every day with him is a beautiful day. Even the tough ones. Now that he is walking, we are anxiously awaiting to see how he integrates into the farm this season! Wish us luck!

Bio coming soon.. Isabel!

Meow, it’s Lars.

Our ‘barn’ kitty turned pet. We got Lars as a teeny little guy from a local dairy farmer whose barn cat had a surprise litter. He was meant to be a feral mouser, but has instead become part of our crew. He loves to climb trees, catch voles (at our neighbors house lol) and sit on laps. Don’t be surprised if you see him around when you come by the stand, he likes to lurk. Please don’t let him into your car. :) Fun facts: Lars has brought a live chipmunk into our house twice (two days in a row,) and he also has broken both hips - and had two surgeries to fix them!

RIP, our beloved Harry.

Our goofy springer spaniel, stuck to us like glue. Harry was by our side during every step of building this farm, and we couldn’t have done it without the joy and laughter he brought. He never let us stray far from his watchful gaze, and was underfoot during thousands of hours of planting and harvesting. We learned a lot from his silly, adventurous, cuddly, loving soul and we miss him each and every day.

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